Mobile App Makes It Really Easy For Creatives to Obsess Over Festival Art
How do you create the largest outdoor gallery in the history of Stockholm?
Stockholm Art Week is an annual event showcasing Stockholm as a city for art.
How do we democratize the art scene and get rid of the mindset that art is just for a few
selected ones?
The initiative Stockholm Is Your Canvas lets anyone submit their art and have it displayed
with augmented reality. It could be on a wall at the exclusive The Thiel Gallery side by side
to Edward Munch, Carl Larsson and Prince Eugene or somewhere around Stockholm city,
in collaboration with Stockholm Stad.
How it works
Whenever you find a Stockholm Art Week symbol just open the app on your smartphone,
point your phone’s camera at the symbol and voilà – an artwork will appear on your display!
Also, don’t forget to explore the calendar covering Art Week.
People from around the world uploaded a huge variety of artworks including famous eBoy
and Alvaro Sotomayor to local talent Eijer from Karlshamn. The initiative was also picked up
by a large number of blogs, news and most important; Visitors to Stockholm Art Week.
Download the app (demo-version)